Score Card Rewards Credit Card

By using your Kaw Valley State Bank Score Card Rewards Credit Card you earn reward points on your purchases that are redeemable for brand-name merchandise and exciting travel services. You also receive the following advantages just for carrying your hometown credit card!
- Local Customer Service – Real people, our people, handling all of your questions.
- No Annual Fee – Period.
- No Fee Balance Transfers – You won’t be charged extra to do more business with us.
- Fixed Interest Rate – You’ll always know what rate you are being charged.
- Online Access – Manage your account online 24/7 at
- Travel Accident Insurance – Provided at no extra charge.
- Contact your nearest Kaw Valley State Bank branch to apply.
Online Statement
Access your account anytime, anywhere 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Get up to date account information such as your available credit, recent transactions, and payment information, or pay your credit card bill online at With the new Online Statement Feature, you can download, save, and print your monthly Kaw Valley State Bank Rewards Credit Card statement.
- Pay your bill online
- Set account alerts
- Create transaction reports
- Track your spending
Basic Advantage
When you are approved for your Kaw Valley State Bank ScoreCard Rewards Credit Card, you are automatically enrolled in our Basic Advantage program.
Basic Advantage is a package of services and benefits related to health care, travel and security provided to our card holders at no additional charge.
- Pharmacy & Eyewear Discounts
- Lost Key Return Service
- Payment Card Registration
- Bonus Travel Discounts
- Auto Rental Discounts
- Quarterly Newsletter
ScoreCard Rewards
Reward Yourself!
Redeem your ScoreCard bonus points for a variety of exciting award options.
From spa services to sporting tickets to MP3 players, there are many great products from which to choose. Motorola, Homedics, Sony are just a few of the brand names available.
You can now redeem your bonus points for dental, prescription, hearing and vision discount packages. Our provider networks can save you 10% to 50% on services and products.
Destination Anywhere! We have the rewards you need: Air travel, hotel and lodging, car rentals, vacation packages, cruises and more.
Request a Rewards Catalog from your local Kaw Valley State Branch, or better yet, browse our site!